Halili dates

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Halili dates are small fruits, averaging 2 to 4 centimeters in length and 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter, and have a round to oval shape with curved, blunt ends, sometimes found with a piece of the stem still attached. When young and semi-ripe, Barhi dates are golden yellow and have a smooth, taut, and firm surface with a crunchy, fibrous consistency. As the fruits fully ripen, the yellow hue will transition into an amber, dark brown tone, while the surface creases, wrinkles, and gives to pressure. The flesh will also soften, developing a smooth, creamy, moist, and slightly chewy texture, encasing a central, inedible stone. Barhi dates have a light astringency mixed with fruity-sweet notes of cinnamon, coconut, and sugarcane when semi-ripe. As the fruit matures, the flavor will deepen into sweet, buttery, and fruity nuances with butterscotch, honey, and persimmon overtones. Halili dates are available for a short season in the fall.

Category: Dates
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