تمر بياروم

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يمكنك طلب المنتجات بالجملة بالضغط على زر إرسال الاستفسار وملء النموذج. سوف يقوم خبراؤنا بالاتصال بك في أقرب وقت ممكن. تمر بياروم، المعروف أيضًا باسم تمر مريمي، هو نوع من التمور الإيرانية المعروفة بمذاقها وملمسها ومظهرها الفريد. يتم زراعته بشكل أساسي في محافظة هرمزجان في إيران، وخاصة في مدينة ميناب. يتميز تمر بياروم بلونه البني الداكن إلى الأسود تقريبًا وشكل ممدود وقشرة مجعدة. له نكهة غنية تشبه الكراميل مع لمحات من الكاكاو وغالبًا ما يوصف بأنه طري ومضغي وحلو. يتم تقدير تمر بياروم بشكل كبير لفوائده الغذائية. إنه غني بالكربوهيدرات والألياف والفيتامينات والمعادن، بما في ذلك البوتاسيوم والمغنيسيوم والحديد. كما أنه خالٍ بشكل طبيعي من الكوليسترول والصوديوم، مما يجعله خيارًا صحيًا للوجبات الخفيفة.

Category: Dates
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In the realm of gourmet delicacies, Piarom dates stand as a pinnacle of taste and nutritional richness. Originating from the sun-kissed groves of southern Iran, these elongated dark brown fruits boast a distinctive flavor profile that sets them apart from other date varieties. As consumers increasingly seek out premium ingredients for their culinary endeavors, understanding the factors influencing Piarom dates price becomes essential. Let’s delve into the intricacies of Piarom dates pricing and uncover the value they offer.

The Exquisite Quality of Piarom:

Piarom dates, also known as “Chocolate Dates” or “Maryami Dates,” renown for their luxurious taste and texture. Characterized by a rich, caramel-like flavor with hints of cocoa, these dates offer a gourmet experience that captivates the palate. Cultivated in the mineral-rich soil and warm climate of the Zagros Mountains, Piarom dates absorb essential nutrients that contribute to their exceptional quality and nutritional richness. Order dates , vegetables and citrus in bulk.

Factors Influencing Piarom Dates:

Quality and Grade: The quality and grade of Piarom dates play a significant role in determining their price. Premium-grade dates, characterize by plumpness, uniformity, and minimal defects, command a higher price due to their superior taste and appearance. Harvesting and Processing: The labor-intensive process of harvesting and processing Piarom dates contributes to their price. Skilled workers carefully handpick the fruits at peak ripeness, followed by meticulous sorting, cleaning, and packaging to ensure optimal quality. Availability and Demand: Piarom dates are cultivated in limited quantities and are highly sought after for their unique flavor and nutritional benefits. Fluctuations in supply and demand dynamics can influence prices, particularly during peak harvesting seasons or periods of increased consumer demand.

Navigating Piarom Dates Price Points:

While Piarom dates may be perceived as a premium product, their exceptional quality and nutritional value justify their price. Consumers seeking the finest ingredients for their culinary creations understand the value that Piarom dates bring to the table. So additionally, investing in high-quality dates ensures a superior taste experience and nutritional benefits, making them a worthwhile addition to any pantry.

Maximizing Value with Piarom:

Quality Assurance: Choose reputable suppliers or retailers known for their commitment to quality and authenticity. Ensure that the dates are sourced from trusted growers who adhere to strict cultivation and processing standards. Versatile Usage: Piarom dates offer endless possibilities in the kitchen, so from enhancing sweet and savory dishes to serving as a wholesome snack on their own. Explore creative recipes and culinary applications to make the most of their unique flavor profile. Storage and Preservation: Proper storage is essential to maintain the freshness and flavor of Piarom dates. Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to preserve their quality and extend shelf life.

Conclusion of Piarom dates price:

While Piarom dates may come with a price tag reflective of their premium quality, they offer unparalleled taste, texture, and nutritional benefits that justify the investment. By understanding the factors influencing Piarom dates price and value, consumers can make informed decisions when purchasing these exquisite fruits. Embrace the luxury of Piarom dates in your culinary creations and elevate your dishes with their exceptional flavor and richness. Experience the indulgence of Piarom dates today, and discover why they’re worth every penny.


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