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يمكنك طلب المنتجات بالجملة بالضغط على زر إرسال الاستفسار وملء النموذج. سوف يقوم خبراؤنا بالاتصال بك في أقرب وقت ممكن. الخيار (Cucumis sativus) هو نبات مزروع على نطاق واسع ينتمي إلى عائلة القرعيات Cucurbitaceae. وهو معروف بشكله الأسطواني، وجلده الأخضر، ولحمه الناعم الهش. غالبًا ما يتم الاستمتاع بالخيار كخضروات طازجة، كما أنه يحتوي على نسبة عالية من الماء، مما يجعله إضافة مرطبة ومنعشة إلى الأطباق المختلفة. التصنيف النباتي: ينتمي الخيار إلى عائلة القرعيات Cucurbitaceae، والتي تشمل أيضًا خضروات أخرى مثل القرع والكوسا والبطيخ. المظهر: عادة ما يكون للخيار شكل أسطواني ممدود وقشرة خضراء ناعمة. قد يحتوي الجلد على بعض الحواف الطفيفة، وهناك أنواع ذات مظهر خارجي أكثر وعرة أو شائكة. قد تكون بعض الأصناف أيضًا بيضاء أو صفراء. ملف النكهة: الخيار له نكهة خفيفة ومنعشة. اللحم مقرمش وعصير، مما يوفر مذاقًا رائعًا يتماشى جيدًا مع مجموعة متنوعة من المكونات الأخرى. الأصناف: هناك عدة أصناف من الخيار، منها خيار التقطيع، وخيار التخليل، والخيار الإنجليزي. يُستخدم تقطيع الخيار بشكل شائع في السلطات والسندويشات، بينما يعد خيار التخليل مثاليًا لصنع المخللات. الخيار الإنجليزي أطول، وله جلد أرق، وغالبًا ما يتم تغليفه بالبلاستيك للحفاظ على نضارته. المحتوى الغذائي: الخيار القوي منخفض السعرات الحرارية ومصدر جيد للمياه، مما يجعله وجبة خفيفة مرطبة. كما أنها توفر كميات صغيرة من الفيتامينات والمعادن، بما في ذلك فيتامين ك، وفيتامين ج، والبوتاسيوم، والمغنيسيوم.

Category: Vegetables
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In the realm of fresh produce, cucumbers stand out as versatile, refreshing, and downright essential. From salads to pickles, this crisp vegetable adds a delightful crunch to countless dishes. But did you know that cucumbers are also a staple in the wholesale market, offering a bounty of benefits to retailers, restaurants, and consumers alike? Let’s delve into the world of cucumber wholesale and discover why this humble veggie is in such high demand.

Understanding Cucumber Wholesale

Cucumber wholesale refers to the bulk purchase and distribution of cucumbers to retailers, restaurants, catering services, and other businesses that rely on fresh produce. Whether sourced from local farms or international suppliers, wholesalers play a vital role in ensuring a steady supply of high-quality cucumbers year-round.

The Benefits of Cucumber Wholesale

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Buying cucumbers in bulk from wholesalers often translates to significant cost savings for businesses. Wholesale prices are typically lower than retail prices, allowing businesses to maximize their budgets and increase profit margins.
  2. Freshness and Quality: Reputable cucumber wholesalers prioritize freshness and quality, ensuring that their produce meets stringent standards. By sourcing cucumbers from trusted suppliers, businesses can offer their customers superior-quality products that are both visually appealing and delicious.
  3. Convenience: With cucumber wholesale, businesses can streamline their procurement process and enjoy the convenience of bulk ordering. Instead of making frequent trips to the market, they can place larger orders less frequently, saving time and effort. Order cucumber in bulk and other kinds of vegetables.

Where to Find Cucumber Wholesale Suppliers

Finding reliable cucumber wholesale suppliers is essential for businesses looking to enter or expand in the fresh produce market. Here are some avenues to explore:

  1. Local Farms and Growers: Many local farms and growers offer cucumber wholesale options, providing businesses with access to freshly harvested produce and supporting the local economy.
  2. Wholesale Markets: Wholesale markets, such as farmers’ markets or specialized produce markets, are excellent sources for bulk cucumbers. These markets often feature a wide variety of suppliers, allowing businesses to compare prices and quality.
  3. Online Marketplaces: In today’s digital age, online marketplaces have emerged as convenient platforms for sourcing wholesale produce, including cucumbers. Websites and platforms dedicated to connecting buyers and sellers enable businesses to browse a vast selection of products and place orders with ease.

Incorporating Cucumbers into Your Business

Once you’ve secured a reliable cucumber wholesale supplier, it’s time to incorporate this versatile vegetable into your business operations. Here are some ideas:

  1. Menu Expansion: If you own a restaurant or catering service, consider adding cucumber-based dishes to your menu. From refreshing salads to savory sandwiches, cucumbers can elevate a wide range of culinary creations.
  2. Retail Offerings: Retailers can attract customers by showcasing fresh cucumbers prominently in their produce section. Consider offering bulk discounts or creating eye-catching displays to entice shoppers.
  3. Value-Added Products: Explore opportunities to create value-added products using cucumbers, such as pickles, relishes, or cold-pressed juices. These products can appeal to health-conscious consumers seeking convenient and nutritious options.


In the world of fresh produce, cucumber wholesale plays a crucial role in ensuring a steady supply of this beloved vegetable to businesses and consumers alike. By understanding the benefits of cucumber wholesale and sourcing from reputable suppliers, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and success. So whether you’re a retailer, restaurateur, or caterer, embrace the power of cucumber wholesale and discover the endless possibilities it offers for your business.


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